Georgia Tech Scientific Software Workshop

Thursday, April 13, 2023 8:00 AM – 2 PM

Klaus Advanced Computing Building, Rooms 1116 East/West

Georgia Tech’s Scientific Software Engineering Center is a new effort that is focused on supporting research software and sharing best practices for research software development and deployment. To bring together the Georgia Tech community that has potential synergies with the Center, we hosted our first SSE workshop on April 13th, from 8 AM to 2 PM, in Klaus 1116 E/W.

In general, the workshop provided a collaborative environment for researchers to share their current challenges and needs with respect to research software engineering. We invited researchers from the Georgia tech community to give short talks about their current research as well as opportunities for improvement for their research software (e.g., software improvements to speed up simulations or enhancements to your process to make your code easier to use and maintain). These presentations and the subsequent discussion will enable the SSE center to better support the Georgia Tech community and to plan future training sessions on topics such as software testing, deployment, and acceleration.

Speaker Materials and Survey

Please see this Figshare collection for all the speaker slides. Specific talk slides are also linked in the agenda below.

If you would like to share some of the speaker insights, we encourage you to use Figshare’s DOI mechanism to cite specific presentations. Note that each presentation has a “Cite” button you can use to get a plain text or BibTex references.

Event Agenda

Time (EDT)SpeakerTalk TitleProject Website
8:00 AM Breakfast 
8:30Alex Orso, Jeff YoungOpening Remarks / Introduction to the SSE Center [Slides] 
9:00Vivek SarkarFuture Challenges for HPC Software [Slides]Habanero group
9:20Srinivas AluruSoftware Opportunities
in Computational
Genomics and Systems
Biology [Slides]
 ParBLISS Repository
9:40David SherrillPsi4: Open-source Quantum Chemistry [Slides]Psi project page
10:00Felix HermannOpen-source Software at the Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Monitoring [Slides]
10:20 Break 
10:40Fang (Cherry) LiuAutomatic Benchmark Testing on HPC Resources [Slides]PACE
PACE ProvBench Repo
11:00Dimitrios PsaltisHigh-performance Black-hole Simulations with Hybrid Architectures [Slides] 
11:20PK Yeung3D FFTs and GPU-enabled extreme-scale simulations of turbulence [Slides] 
11:40Ashok GoelVERA: A Virtual Laboratory for Self-Directed Learning [Slides] VERA Project Page
12:00 PM Lunch 
Spencer Bryngelson
Strategies for developing and maintaining low barrier-to-entry fluid dynamics codes for exascale machines [Slides]MFC Site
Comp-Physics Group
1:20Enrique R. Vivoni, Rafael L. Bras, Valeriy IvanovMulti-Resolution Modeling of Land Surface
Processes using Graph-based Partitioning [Slides]
TIN-based Real-time Integrated Basin Simulator (tRIBS )
1:40Spencer RugaberBest Practices
For Academic Software Development Projects [Slides]
2:00Alex OrsoDiscussion and Closing Remarks