The Scientific Software Engineering (SSE) Center at Georgia Tech is a new effort that is part of the Virtual Institute for Scientific Software (VISS). VISS was launched by Schmidt Sciences to address the need for training and educating software engineers, and the SSE center at Georgia Tech is focused on developing new methodologies for improving high-performance scientific codes and for training tomorrow’s software engineers.

Mission Statement

The Scientific Software Engineering (SSE) Center is focused on the development and dissemination of software engineering best practices to accelerate both the quality and pace of scientific discovery at Georgia Tech and throughout the scientific community.

Next Steps

To learn more about the SSE Center, please visit…

  • Engagement Showcase for information about projects that we have completed.
  • Events for information about events that we have sponsored or participated in.
  • Center Capabilities for information on how to work with the SSE Center.
  • People for information about our team.
  • Contact for information about how to reach us.